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Error adprep /rodcprep Migracion Windows 2003 server a Windows 2008 server

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Buen dia estimados el momento que estoy tratando de realizar la migracion de Windows Server 2003 a Windows 2008 server trato de correr el comando adprep /rodcprep y me presenta el error adjunto, con lo que no puedo instalar controladores de dominio de solo lectura, estuve consultando este error y microsoft presenta un fix ; quisiera saber si alguin tuvo exito con esta  solucion porque en mi caso no puedo resolverlo, gracias por sus respuestas.


Adprep created the log file ADPrep.log under C:\Windows\debug\adprep\logs\20130115145703 directory.


Adprep connected to the domain FSMO:


Adprep was about to call the following LDAP API. ldap_search_s(). The base entry to start the search is (null).


LDAP API ldap_search_s() finished, return code is 0x0


Adprep successfully retrieved information from the local Active Directory Domain Services.


Adprep successfully initialized global variables.


Adprep is continuing.


Adprep was about to call the following LDAP API. ldap_search_s(). The base entry to start the search is CN=Partitions,CN=Configuration,DC=X,DC=com,DC=ec.


LDAP API ldap_search_s finished, return code is 0x0



Adprep found partition DC=ForestDnsZones,DC=X,DC=com,DC=ec, and is about to update the permissions.


Adprep was about to call the following LDAP API. ldap_search_s(). The base entry to start the search is CN=Infrastructure,DC=ForestDnsZones,DC=X,DC=com,DC=ec.


LDAP API ldap_search_s finished, return code is 0xa


Adprep could not contact a replica for partition DC=ForestDnsZones,DC=X,DC=com,DC=ec.


Adprep encountered an LDAP error.

Error code: 0x0. Server extended error code: 0x0, Server error message: (null).


Adprep failed the operation on partition DC=ForestDnsZones,DC=X,DC=com,DC=ec. Skipping to next partition.



Adprep detected the operation on partition DC=DomainDnsZones,DC=X,DC=com,DC=ec has been performed. Skipping to next partition.



Adprep detected the operation on partition DC=X,DC=com,DC=ec has been performed. Skipping to next partition.



Adprep completed with errors. Not all partitions are updated. See the ADPrep.log in the C:\Windows\debug\adprep\logs\20130115145703 directory for more information.

To successfully update all partititions, the current logged on user needs to be a member of Enterprise Admins group.  If that is not the case, please correct the problem, and then restart Adprep.


por (35 puntos)  

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Posiblemente tienes dominios huérfanos en tu controlador de dominio con 2003 server, si es que los tienes realiza una limpieza de dichos dominios