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error active directory "ntds replication"

0 votos

me pueden ayudar con estos error que me esta dando el active directory revisando el visor de evento veo que me sale este error para las particiones : domain, schema, configuration, ForestDNSZone, DomainDNSZone.


Warning 1864
This directory partition has not been backed up since at least the following number of days.
Directory partition:
'Backup latency interval' (days):

Error  2089
This is the replication status for the following directory partition on the local domain controller.

Directory partition:

The local domain controller has not recently received replication information from a number of domain controllers.   The count of domain controllers is shown, divided into the following intervals.

De antemano muchas gracias.
por (20 puntos)  

1 Respuesta

0 votos
Haz un backup con Windows Backup del system state del AD.
por (4.6k puntos)  
Hola Gustavo gracias por responder me podrias indicar como o links para sacar utilizar el Windows Backup en un windows server 2003 enterprise 64 bits

con el backup realizado ya no me sale el warning 2089 pero aun me sigue saliendo este error.

podrian ayudarme.

Error  1864
This is the replication status for the following directory partition on the local domain controller.

Directory partition:

The local domain controller has not recently received replication information from a number of domain controllers.   The count of domain controllers is shown, divided into the following intervals.
